“That’s All Folks!” – Another MO Legislative Session is in the books

By Jared Campbell, Resident Engagement Project Manager at Downtown Council of Kansas City

On May 17th, the Missouri State Legislature wrapped up their 2024 session. With as many ups and downs to rival any rollercoaster found at Worlds of Fun, the session was full of surprises, especially the last few weeks. Two record filibusters – 41 hours by the Freedom Caucus and 50 hours by the Democrats – played out during the end of the session while last minute amendments and bills were being worked on by state legislators.

Reform of the Historic Tax Credit Program

The Downtown Council was pleased to be a signatory on the Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City’s Legislative Consensus Agenda once again this year. The document was signed by over twenty Kansas City organizations. Each year, it helps our city speak with a unified voice on the items most important to us during the legislative session. One of those items on the agenda that saw legislative success was the reform of the state’s Historic Tax Credit program.

After coming close at the end of last year’s session, a bill was finally passed by both houses and sent to the governor’s desk at the very end of the 2024 session. This bill will bring about multiple changes to make the program more efficient and make it easier for developers to use the credits. The changes most attractive to Kansas City developers include setting up a year-round application cycle, requiring the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to conduct reviews within 60 days, and establishing an appeals process. These changes, combined with administrative changes that will take effect later this summer, address the gaps in the application and scoring process that was leaving Downtown Kansas City projects at a disadvantage compared to other projects across the state.

Downtown KC Political Action Committee

Besides working with current legislators, the Downtown Council also looks to the future with our Downtown KC Political Action Committee. With this year being an election year at the state-level, the Downtown KC PAC will renew its efforts to share the priorities of Downtown KC with those seeking elected office. We welcome DTC members or any other community organization who would like to get involved with the Downtown KC PAC as that body looks to screen and endorse MO Legislature races later this year. Having a well-funded and strong PAC helps all of us as we share why Downtown KC is so important not only to our region, but to the entire state as an economic engine.

For more information on how to contribute and get involved with the PAC, please contact Jared Campbell at jared@downtownkc.org.

The MO House passed 11 bills from the 1684 that were introduced during the session. The MO Senate passed 15 bills out of 796. Given those numbers, the Downtown Council is very pleased that legislative reform for the Historic Tax Credit program passed this year. Next year will bring new faces and new opportunities to work with the MO Legislature. We thank Senators Greg Razer and Lauren Arthur, both who will not be in the Senate next year, for all their work to help improve Downtown KC. We look forward to working with their successors and all the legislators in Jeff City next year as we continue to advocate for Downtown KC at the state level.