Imagine Downtown Baseball: Campaign to Keep Chiefs & Royals in Jackson County

Imagine Downtown Baseball: Campaign to Keep Chiefs & Royals in Jackson County

By Ann Holliday, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at Downtown Council of Kansas City

In 2022, a two year strategic planning process for Downtown Kansas City, the Imagine Downtown KC Strategic Plan, culminated with the release of the plan and a vision for creating a vibrant, inclusive and equitable Downtown KC. We are now working to implement the plan with a focus on its transformative strategies and catalytic projects. With the announcement of the Yes On 1 for Jackson County Campaign last month, one of these catalytic projects is moving closer to fruition, a new Downtown Ballpark.  

As stated in the strategic plan, “Baseball grew up in America’s cities and early parks were embedded in urban neighborhoods and districts,” and we are thrilled to see it return. 

“Cities that have developed Downtown ballparks have experienced substantial secondary economic development. These unique assets have a multiplier effect in an urban context, and Kansas City has an opportunity to build a state-of-the-art urban ballpark in Downtown with new and enthusiastic owners who value the urban experience.”

The strategic plan also highlights the need for the Downtown Ballpark to support community development goals and integrate into its neighborhood with substantial community investment that is dynamic, affordable, connected, authentic and resilient exemplifying the Imagine Downtown KC Strategic Plan.

The Downtown Council (DTC) looks forward to working with its members, the Downtown Community, and the Royals to bring baseball back Downtown and retain the Chiefs at Arrowhead with their exciting new improvements. 

DTC president and CEO, Bill Dietrich, a co-chair of the Committee to Keep the Chiefs and Royals in Jackson County, states, “We look forward to continuing to work with team ownership and other partners to develop an innovative, premier baseball facility that will be a source of pride for Kansas City and establish a thriving partnership with its neighborhood and community.”

Imagine Downtown Baseball: Campaign to Keep Chiefs & Royals in Jackson County