DTC Announces Urban Hero Award Honorees

DTC Announces Urban Hero Award Honorees

By Jared Campbell, Resident Engagement Project Manager at Downtown Council of Kansas City

On Friday April 12th, the downtown community and supporters will be gathering to celebrate the evolution of downtown. Many of the changes can be witnessed through the evolution of the build environment downtown. From the Power & Light District and T-Mobile Center to the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts, from the Bartle Hall Sky Stations to Lights One, Two and 3, our skyline has greatly changed since the early 2000s.

An upgraded skyline is only half the story of the evolution of downtown.

The rest of the story includes the individuals and small businesses who have brought new energy, ideas, and passion to making Downtown Kansas City a greater place to live, work and play.

In what has become a hallmark of the Downtown Council’s Annual Luncheon, a small group of these individuals and businesses are recognized every year as Urban Heroes for their contributions to downtown. This year, the Awards Committee, under the leadership of Chair Lynn Carlton and Vice-Chair Jennifer Wampler, selected two individuals and two small businesses.

Urban Heroes

Hi-Tides Coffee, owned by Michele and Johnny Dawbarn, will be celebrated not only for their contributions to the burgeoning East Crossroads, but for the entrepreneurial ecosystem that they have created at their coffee shop. Vine Street Brewing Company – founders Kemet Coleman, Woodie Bonds, Jr, and Elliott Ivory, along with Director of Operations Annie McGinnis – will be honored for being Missouri’s first black owned brewery and for bringing such an exciting new concept to the Historic 18th & Vine area. Allan Gray will be recognized for his work with nonprofits such as founding the Kansas City Friends of Alvin Alley and The Zhou B Arts Center. Finally, the committee selected Teresa Bolton for her longstanding contributions to downtown as the Director of the Kansas City Public Library’s Central Branch.

Not only will these individuals and businesses be recognized from the stage during the luncheon, but there will be a special reception for them the evening before on Thursday, April 11th from 5pm to 7pm in the lobby of the Grand Ballroom at Bartle Hall. Individual tickets for that reception can be purchased here.

Better yet, if you or your company have not yet registered for the luncheon, sponsorship levels of Silver or above automatically include tickets to the Urban Hero Awards Reception. If you still need to register, you can do so by clicking here.

Please join us on Thursday, April 11th and Friday, April 12th to help celebrate what the individuals and businesses that help contribute to what makes Downtown Kansas City so special – the spirit of a great downtown and a great Midwestern city!