Tax vote paves way for Downtown streetcar
StreetcarAt long last, Kansas City has voter-approved funding build a two-mile streetcar line through the heart of Downtown. Voting was completed last week. The city hopes to begin construction in 2013 and to begin operations in 2015.
The $100 million…

MARC approves $17.7 million for Downtown streetcar
StreetcarThe City of Kansas City, Mo.'s mass transit future received a boost on Wednesday, Oct. 24 when the Mid-America Regional Council approved $17.7 million in federal funds for the City's proposed starter streetcar project in Downtown.
The agency…

Downtown streetcar plan passes
StreetcarKansas City’s streetcar plan passed the test with Downtown voters yesterday, as they approved a special taxing district to help fund the project.
According to today edition of The Kansas City Star:
City officials said they’ve…

Downtown Council endorses TIGER grant application for Streetcar
StreetcarThe Executive Committee of the Downtown Council of Kansas City voted unanimously on Thursday, April 19 to endorse the City’s pursuit of a federal $25 million Tiger IV grant application considered crucial to building a $100 million Downtown…

Downtown Council endorses continuation of Downtown streetcar feasibility study
StreetcarDowntown Council endorses continuation of Downtown streetcar feasibility study
“Kansas City Mayor Sly James is starting the new year pushing hard for a downtown streetcar plan, traveling to Washington this week to lobby federal officials…