Imagine Downtown KC – Q3 Update

Imagine Downtown KC - Quarterly Report 8.20 Economic development and the KC 2026 FIFA World Cup took center stage at the Imagine Downtown KC Steering Committee meeting on Aug. 20 at the Downtown Council.  Led by committee chair Jason…

South Loop Project reveals latest park design concept

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After months of collecting community feedback and technical work, the South Loop Project team is eager and excited to unveil the latest park design concept. Join us for an in-depth overview of park design and related technical information. The…

South Loop Project Update – September 2023

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The South Loop Project is a four block park covering the I-670 freeway between Wyandotte and Grand Streets.

Imagine Downtown KC Strategic Plan – Quarterly Meeting, 1.26.2023

Editor’s Note: To inform members and interested stakeholders about progress on the implementation of the Imagine Downtown KC Strategic Plan, the Downtown Council of Kansas City provides updates from the quarterly Implementation Committee…

Imagine Downtown KC Planning Update: Fall 2022

Members of the Imagine Downtown KC Implementation team met on Sept. 29, 2022  for the fall quarterly meeting at the Park University Downtown Campus. 

Downtown Council receives international award of excellence for Imagine strategic plan

The International Downtown Association recognized the Downtown Council of Kansas City last week in Vancouver, Canada with the Downtown Achievement Award of Excellence for its resourceful approaches related to the Imagine Downtown KC 2030 Strategic Plan.

Imagine Downtown KC Planning Update: Summer 2022

To inform members and stakeholders about progress on the Imagine Downtown KC Strategic Plan, the Downtown Council will share updates from the quarterly Implementation Committee meetings, beginning with this report from the July 20th meeting.

South Loop Link progress; Digital inclusion; KC Current engineering + more

Progress is the name of the game for South Loop Link park; Team behind 10th & Main tower tackles predevelopment steps; KC Digital Drive takes aim at boosting digital inclusion; + Henderson deploys women-led engineering team for KC Current stadium.

Downtown Council launches Imagine Downtown KC strategic plan

Imagine! Downtown KC leaders reveal plans for 2030 Vision of an equitable, inclusive, vibrant Downtown “Imagine.” Could there be a more inspiring way to contemplate tomorrow? Over the last 22 months, hundreds of Downtown area  business,…

KC Spirit Playbook planning process to focus on mobility this week

The City Planning and Development Department is leading an update of the City’s Comprehensive Plan, and you are invited to participate in the process this week. Join the KC Spirit Playbook team for the second strategy session on Mobility,…

Downtown Council seeks federal grant to transform South Loop

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DTC seeks federal grant for South Loop Link Reporting by The Downtown Council is applying for a federal grant to continue planning an estimated $160 million South Loop Link that would create a four-block park spanning…

Imagine Downtown KC Update

Share Your Priorities at the Imagine Downtown KC 2030 Strategic Plan Community Workshop! Join us for the second Imagine Downtown KC community workshop on Tuesday, December 15th from 4:30 – 6:30 pm CT. This online event will be…